A massive hiatus from blog due to a lot of exciting events and happenings. Time for a major update for you all, there's lot of information here so go ahead grab some tea! The year feels like it is literally flying and so am I. Where is the ground? It feels like spring has finally arrived and summer is right on its tail. Here in Illinois, we are experiencing quite a few days in the high 80s to mid 90s. Needless to say, it is t-shirt weather! And... although I wear jewelry throughout the year, summer is one of my faaaavorite seasons for wearing lightweight jewelry and playing with colorful elements! Can we all say, "Yes?!" Oh but hold the heat, sun!
The crocheter and knitter in me wants to make a nice cotton-blend top for the summer, but if I am truthful with myself, I have a lot of other things going right now. Last time I blogged, I mentioned the excitement of YarnCon, and I will tell you that although I felt physically sick the days leading up to it and during it, it was great. Ugh food poisoning. Glad it is gone and will not ever happen again... Ever! Anyway, I really enjoyed the people there. My Swedish Accelerator wheel took center stage. Running into old friends and making new connections was a huge plus. In addition, my new–HK Handspun Stitch Jewelry line made its debut at the show. It was a great success and due to the compliments and great interest, I have added them to my online shop as well. Be sure to check them out!
Below is a slideshow of Twinkle (a large pendant). It has a glittery sparkle in it. With the pendants, you have the option to choose a princess or matinee length. If a shorter/longer length is needed, shoot me an email at info@heavenlyknitchet.com. I have earrings and rings in the shop as well! Special note about the double rings: They are adjustable and will fit up to a 7-1/2 ring size comfortably. Be sure to measure your ring sizes prior to purchasing. Unfortunately, they do not come in larger sizes at this time. I will look into some other options for other sizes and see what is available.
So... What else is new?
Online: If you have been following the Wednesday's Live Craft and Chat sessions via Facebook, then you may know that the live videos are now being held in a Facebook group called HK Craft and Chat: The Crafter's Lounge. The Lounge was created to have a place for crafters and enthusiast to bounce ideas off of one another, share projects, gain inspiration, and also to have a sense of community. If you would like to join, you can find the group here.
Local Events: This past weekend's Spinning Extravaganza in Oak Park has been canceled due to the minimum sign-up requirements not being met. However, I will create another spinning class down the line for beginning spinners. Next up on the calendar is the 2018 Northern Illinois Fiber Festival! I will be an instructor, I will not be a vendor. I will be teaching Prep Like a Pro! I offered this at YarnCon and had a very nice turnout and happy students. I am offering it again for two different time frames. If you are interested, you can sign up for the session at 9am -10:30am or 1pm to 2:30pm here. The class is all about prepping fibers with minimal waste, making quality decisions using fiber and fleece as a guide and practicing techniques for stress-free processing. My goal is to make sure each student feels confident when using fiber tools and have enough knowledge to evaluate and prepare fibers in order to achieve the outcome they desire.
Aside from preparing for classes, I have been processing and spinning alpaca and also a bison, CVM, suffolk blend for two different farmers.
Of course, I must share this project! The Bolt Tee is officially complete and its new owner loves it AND it fits her like a charm! Yay! Here is a picture of the completed tee. (The pattern is Laura Bryant's Bolt Tee. Yarn is Prism Yarns Delicato Lace, 100% tencel)

I would definitely knit this tee again... It was so much fun knitting it and also the seaming process was fun as well. Currently, I have a potential commissioned sweater project, and I am excited to see where it goes! Also, my video recording space is being upgraded at this time as well. So I am actually doing a little bit of staging, I am putting on my interior decorating hat these days. I bought a new rug, the wall has been painted: THANKS HUBBY, muah! I have a cute little succulent plant (below), and I need figure out how to get everything in its place. Ahh so many hours in the day! It'll get done.

Last but certainly not least, I have more additions to add to the website. Fiber is the next update so stay tuned in for that!
Now, it is Your turn lovelies!
Knitter/Crocheter question: What summer knit/crochet projects do you have planned?
Spinner question: What fibers are your go-to during the hot and humid summertime months?
Fashionista question: What colors are you excited to see this summer?